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Butler Family: Ramblings...

Butler Family

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


So, Josh had another meltdown on Tuesday...is this going to be an every Tuesday thing? Does Scouts = Meltdown Tuesday? He got up in a great mood, ate his breakfast, got dressed and we're ready to walk out the door. He asks what I put in for his snack. I told him I had a chocolate chip bar for him (thinking this would be a nice treat). Meltdown begins..."I don't like that!"...how does he know? He never had one before. Well, I told him if he didn't like it, he didn't have to eat it, but we had to go. I told him to grab the crackers out of his lunchbox if he wanted to.

By the time we got to school, the meltdown was in full force. He refused to get out of the car. I parked, took him in - walked him to his classroom. He runs out trying to follow me. ARGH! Luckily, his teacher came around the corner and got him. I left.

Needless to say, last night was a very quiet night...no tv, no playing, no messing w/ his sisters, etc. Bath time was at 6:30 instead of 7:00. He got up very happy this morning. :)


Is Emma OCD? That girl is going to drive me nuts! She's the sweetest thing in the world, until something doesn't go her way. She wants the red plate, not the blue one...she can't break her pop tart in half...if it breaks, she won't eat it, if her bread has a hole in it, she won't eat it. It goes on and on...and, oh! The handwashing! She loves to wash her hands...a lot! At daycare, she's constantly doing it. I think it's more because she can do it all by herself -the sink is low, the soap is reachable, she can get her own paper towel. At home, she's not as bad, but there is ritual...she has to have a little soap on each hand...usually 2 different kinds. Then, she rubs them together and rinses them off.

Lotion is the same way...except that if it doesn't come out in a nice little "ball", she shakes it off and makes you give her more.

Josh was a little bit like this when he was younger, but has seemed to outgrow it. I hope Emma does, too!!


  • Michael is JUST the same way about food and also hates sticky hands. That said, he'll happily play in mud for hours.

    By Blogger Jo, At 3:26 PM  

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