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Butler Family: What a weekend...

Butler Family

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What a weekend...

Our washer went out last week. We had a repairman come by on Friday. He said we could replace a $300 part and it "MIGHT" fix it, but it might not. We decided we'd just get a new washer.

Well, Friday night, we went to the laundry mat. We were going to take both vehicles in case the kids needed to come home. I got in my car and it wouldn't start! Luckily, it was just the battery and we were able to get it fixed on Saturday.

Emma had an ENT appointment on Monday. Her ears are still filled with fluid, making it hard for her to hear. Her tonsils are still swollen. She's back on an antibiotic for the next 2 weeks. :( The dr did say he wanted to put tubes back in her ears at some point...not sure when. We go back in October to have her hearing tested again.

At 3:00 yesterday, I got a call from daycare asking me if I had Josh...ummm...No, don't you? Long story short, his school thought I was picking him up on Monday (I am suppose to pick him up today, not yesterday). They kept him back w/ the carpoolers. Luckily, daycare was on top of things and waited on him to be found. Poor guy - I think it scared him a little bit. :(

Phil's parents got a call yesterday afternoon saying Robert's brother had passed away. We didn't have any other information other than that. Later, they got word that he had had a stroke...don't know when or anything. That whole situation is a little strange. Phil's uncle's son wouldn't let him have any contact with the rest of the family, so we were totally unaware of what was going on. :(

It's been quite the weekend. We still don't have a washer. After many hours of research, we still don't have a clue what to buy. The reviews on most washers are horrible! I think we're going to go w/ a plain jane washer - no bells or whistles (see where that got us this time). The washer that just died was only 6 years old...digital, large capacity, etc. I loved my washer. They quit making it because of the problems they were having with it - I just wish we had known about those problems 6 years ago.

Oh - Thursday is our 10 year anniversary! :) I guess I'm getting a washer for our anniversary.


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