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Butler Family: Friday!

Butler Family

Friday, May 13, 2005


I'm so glad today is Friday. I think I'm over this work thing. :)

We're taking Josh to the circus tomorrow. I hope he likes it! He seems to be excited about it - although, he may be more excited about getting cotton candy.

We're going to have a family portrait done next Saturday. I hope it turns out good! I'm not the most photogenic person at all. I want most of the pictures to be done of the kids anyway.

Emma is starting to really smile alot more now. It's nice to see her "responsive smiling". Callie has been smiling and cooing alot for the last couple of weeks. It's hard to believe they're almost 3 months old!

We're in the process of planning our beach trip for September! Yay!

You would think we would want to concentrate more on getting out of this house and into a new one. I don't know why we can't seem to get things together and get serious about getting out of here! What are we waiting for?

The girls are doing great at sleeping through the night! They slept from about 11:30 til 7:00 this morning! We try to feed them fairly late at night so they will sleep a little later in the morning. :)

Josh has FINALLY decided the big bed is for him. He's no longer in the crib. We're pitiful - he'll be 4 next month! He should have been out of that thing 2 years ago. But, it was such a comfort to him that we never pushed the issue. I think he sat on the stairs for a good while last night before he finally resigned himself to the bed. :) I tucked him in, but I don't think he stayed there. :)


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