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Butler Family: Therapy Updates

Butler Family

Monday, October 17, 2005

Therapy Updates

Callie & Emma had OT and PT evaluations on Friday...whew, that took a long time! Emma actually had a Physical Therapy evaluation and Callie had an Occupational Therapy evaluation. Emma will go back in a couple of weeks for her OT eval.

Emma did great - it was decided that she did not need physical therapy (which I didn't think she needed anyway). The one thing the therapist pointed out was that when Emma was on her tummy, she supported herself with her elbows instead of her hands. Well, then, Emma turns around and gets up on her hands and knees (which means she was supporting herself on her hands) and the therapist just had to laugh. She said Emma wasn't suppose to be doing that yet. She said she was ahead of the game there. She wants to see Emma 1 more time in a month just to check and make sure she's still moving okay.

Callie didn't enjoy her session quite as much. She had just awakened from a nap. She cried a good bit of the time. I finally had to get down in the floor with her. After that, she was a little happier.

Callie's not rolling over like she should and when you hold her, she stiffens up. Those are the 2 main things we're going to be working on with her. She almost rolls over - she can turn her whole upper body over, but she doesn't bring her legs and hips on over.

The therapist says that Callie has some insecurities and that's why she's stiffening up. That sounds really strange to me - how can an 8 month old have insecurities? She basically said that Callie doesn't know what to do with herself when someone picks her up and tries to cuddle with her, etc.

Her fine motor skills seem to be good - she was able to pick up cheerios with no problems. :)

The therapist wants to meet with Callie once a week for 3 months. I think that's a little extreme. After Emma has her eval, we'll schedule both girls (assuming Emma needs OT, too). I'm going to see if we can meet every other week. I don't feel either girl has any serious problems - they're not behind in their milestones (yet). I realize the therapy is to make sure they don't fall behind...and because of that, I don't see any reason to meet weekly. Phil and I are both working full time, so it's a little difficult to make that committment (unless they can meet at 5:00).

I think if they give us exercises and things to do at home, we'll be just fine.


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