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Butler Family: Trip to Memphis

Butler Family

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Trip to Memphis

Mom, the kids and I went to Memphis this past weekend to see Wendy.

We stayed at Park Place in Memphis - a little further away from Wendy than we planned, but it wasn't that bad...the hotel was very nice.

Wendy and Josh went swimming Friday night - which Josh LOVED! :)

We went to the zoo on Saturday. We spent about 4 hours there and we were all worn out! After that, we went back to Wendy's and then over to a friend's house to take advantage of their pool.

The kids had a great time!

Josh got in the deep water once and couldn't get back out - I think it scared him a little bit. I was only a couple of feet away and helped him out.

After we got out of the pool, they played on the swingset in the yard...had a wonderful time until Emma fell off of the swing (which was basically standing still at that point). She scratched her back up a little bit. :(

We got home around 5:00 on Sunday and we were all wiped out!!

To see pictures, go to http://butler.globeserver.com/2007/0715/index.html


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