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Butler Family: Simon

Butler Family

Monday, June 27, 2005


Simon was a little boy in Josh's class at Kiddie Kottage. Last week, he nearly drowned. He spent a week in PICU at Children's hospital where he died yesterday. :(

I don't know if we'll explain his death to Josh or not. I think we'll wait and see if Josh asks about him again. We talked some about his accident last week. Josh just knew he was in the hospital and really really sick.


  • I'm so, so sorry!!! The death of someone so suddenly and tragically is a terrible thing..then when it's a child....

    I hope, when the time is right, you have the right words for Josh. There are plenty of books out there that might help explain things to him. I went through this with my own children 3 years ago. It was hard and I think, in a way, it was easier for them because they couldn't fully understand what was going on.

    I'll be praying for you and the family.

    Pam aka PrincessFrek

    By Blogger The Six of Us, At 2:30 PM  

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