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Butler Family: I can't seem to keep up! 15 month appt!

Butler Family

Friday, May 19, 2006

I can't seem to keep up! 15 month appt!

Okay - I've been called on it - not blogging as often as I should. Bad Kim!! :)

The girls had their 15 month appointment this morning. I am saying lots of prayers that Miss Callie will stop growing at 6'!!

Callie was 24 lbs 6 oz (75%) and 33" long (over 97%). We have a very tall girl on our hands!
Emma was 19 lbs 3 oz (5%) and 30 1/2" long (25-50%). She's going to be tall & skinny. :)

Both girls got 3 shots - YUCK. On the plus side, they won't have any more shots until they're 5! Woo hoo!! Which reminds me, Josh has his 5 year appt on June 12...guess what? He gets shots! :( Poor guy!

This is going to be a very busy weekend. Josh has a hair appointment in the morning. From there, we're going to a bead show. I haven't made any jewelry in over a year, but I've been wanting to make a name bracelet with all 3 kids names on it. I priced the beads online and it will cost about $60, so I'm hoping to find a better deal at this show on Saturday (it's in Western Plaza at Lily's Beads).

Then, Josh has a birthday party at Events at Sherlake Saturday evening and another one at Pump it Up on Sunday afternoon. I think I'm going to be all partied out.

Let's see...what else is going on?? Who knows? Hmmm...we got a new grill last night. Our last one just bit the dust - the burners just fell apart. So, we're looking forward to something yummy on the grill tonight. Phil's just dying to try it - I think he was going to grill out a piece of chicken for lunch today. :)

I guess that's it for now - I'll try to keep up better!


  • Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 10:29 AM  

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